Maqamat by Javed Ahmad Ghamidi: A Collection of Essays on Islam
Maqamat is a book by Javed Ahmad Ghamidi, a Pakistani Islamic modernist scholar and exegete, who is the founder of Al-Mawrid Institute of Islamic Sciences and its sister organisation Danish Sara. The book contains some of his selected essays on various topics related to Islam, such as its sources, its history, its law, its ethics, its politics, and its challenges. The essays are taken from his Urdu treatises Maqamat and Burhan, which reflect his views on some very important contemporary as well as age-old issues that have continued to be a cause of debate and controversy in academic circles as well as among ordinary Muslims.
In this article, we will provide a brief overview of the book and some of its main themes and arguments. We will also share some of the reviews and ratings that the book has received from readers on Goodreads[^1^], a popular online platform for book lovers. Finally, we will provide a link to download the book in PDF format for free.
What is Maqamat about?
Maqamat is divided into four parts: Part I: The Sources of Islam; Part II: The History of Islam; Part III: The Law of Islam; and Part IV: The Ethics and Politics of Islam. Each part contains several essays that deal with specific aspects of the topic. For example, in Part I, Ghamidi discusses the nature and authority of the Quran, the Sunnah, the Hadith, the Ijma, and the Qiyas as sources of Islamic guidance. He also explains his methodology of interpreting the Quran and the Sunnah in light of their historical context and their coherence with each other. He argues that many of the traditional interpretations of these sources are based on weak or fabricated narrations, or on faulty reasoning or analogy. He proposes a new approach that is based on sound principles of hermeneutics and logic.
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In Part II, Ghamidi traces the history of Islam from its inception to its decline. He analyzes the causes and consequences of various events and movements that shaped the course of Islamic civilization, such as the Khilafah Rashidah, the Umayyad and Abbasid dynasties, the Mongol invasion, the Ottoman empire, the colonialism, the revivalism, and the modernism. He also critiques some of the common myths and misconceptions that have been propagated about Islamic history by both Muslims and non-Muslims. He asserts that Islam is not a monolithic or static religion, but a dynamic and diverse one that has evolved and adapted to different times and places.
In Part III, Ghamidi discusses the law of Islam, or Shariah, which he defines as \"the collective name of all those directives that God has given to His servants regarding their life in this world\". He explains the objectives and principles of Shariah, as well as its sources and methodology. He also addresses some of the controversial issues that have arisen in relation to Shariah, such as apostasy, blasphemy, jihad, women's rights, democracy, human rights, etc. He argues that many of these issues have been misunderstood or misinterpreted by both Muslims and non-Muslims due to ignorance or prejudice. He clarifies the true stance of Islam on these issues based on rational arguments and authentic evidence.
In Part IV, Ghamidi deals with the ethics and politics of Islam, which he considers as two inseparable aspects of Islamic life. He discusses the moral values and virtues that Islam teaches and expects from its followers, such as honesty, justice, compassion, patience, forgiveness, etc. He also explores the political system and structure that Islam envisages for its adherents, such as khilafah (caliphate), shura (consultation), bay'ah (pledge), amr bil ma'ruf wa nahi anil munkar (enjoining good and forbidding evil), etc. He argues that Islam does not prescribe a specific form or model of government or statehood for Muslims,
but rather provides them with general guidelines and principles that can be applied in different contexts and circumstances.
What do readers say about Maqamat?
Maqamat has received positive feedback from many 29c81ba772