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BizLeado offers a variety of targeted services. Each of the following services provides long-term benefits that will lead to increased traffic to your website, more sales leads, and overall business growth. The following services will be customized to your particular industry, business, and location.

Text Marketing
We create websites with WordPress and WebFlow that have their own built-in CMS that makes it easier for you to modify content on your website once the project is finished. When do you need a website? Well if you are a starting business and you either don’t have a website or have one but it looks basic and outdated. Then you need a website. If you aren’t getting a lot of visitors on your website or your website isn’t getting any leads, then you need a new website!
Website Hosting
Email Hosting
Google Analytics
​When you choose our Text Marketing service, we’ll set your brand up for success. Text Marketing is a highly engaging way to interact with your clients or leads whether you're sending a one-time message or hundreds. Text Marketing is an effective way to reach out to your subscribers.

Email Marketing
Email marketing is an important part of digital marketing. What is the use of gaining all those leads if you don’t have an email strategy and campaign setup? Those leads are not going to turn into conversions without Email Marketing. This is where we come in, and we can automate a high-converting email marketing strategy for your business.
Turn Leads to Conversions
Automated Email Marketing
Create a High Converting Strategy
Automate Follow-ups
Social Media Marketing
BizLeado is a Social Media Management company focused on creating top-performing social media campaigns for businesses. We manage social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for your business. Our social media marketing helps businesses to grow and meet their goals.

CRM (JobProgress)
Using a Customer Relationship Management( CRM) system is an effective process in which a business administers its interactions and keeps track of customers. Our system uses data analysis to study large amounts of information that you can use to increase the revenue of your business.

Strategy Calls with Sales Pros
During our strategy calls, our sales professionals will give you specific, actionable, measurable advice on how to move forward with your business. Everyone can benefit from an outside perspective or someone's experience from time to time, particularly when you’re trying to find a specific solution to a problem.
Schedule a consultation now to have a strategy call and to share the challenge you’re facing, and get some proven steps to guide your path forwards.